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Independent Fund Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Services

At Compliance4, we understand the complexities and challenges faced by registered investment companies in adhering to national and global securities laws and regulations. Our Independent Fund CCO Services are designed to provide peace of mind by ensuring your compliance needs are met with expertise and precision.

CCO Services for Investment Companies

Named Chief Compliance Officer

Compliance4 provides an experienced CCO to administer your Fund's Rule 38a-1 compliance program, ensuring your fund remains in compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Annual and Quarterly Reporting

Our CCO will prepare your Fund's Rule 38a-1 Annual Report and provide comprehensive quarterly reports to the Board, maintaining transparency and continuous oversight.

Service Provider Oversight

We offer meticulous oversight of your Fund's service providers and sub-advisers, ensuring they align with your fund's compliance standards and objectives.

Compliance Review and Assessment

  • Fund Policies and Procedures: We conduct thorough reviews and assessments of your Fund’s policies and procedures to ensure compliance with Federal Securities Laws.

  • Service Providers Compliance: Our team also reviews the policies and procedures of the Trust’s Service Providers as they pertain to the Fund’s compliance requirements.

Glass Ceiling
Pointing Pen and Finger on Document

Compliance Policy Development and Amendments

  • Customized Policy Solutions: Compliance4 specializes in recommending amendments and drafting tailored policies and procedures for both Service Providers and your Fund.

  • Board Approval Process: All proposed amendments and new policies are meticulously crafted and presented to the Fund’s Board for approval.

Annual Compliance Review

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Our annual review process assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of the Fund’s Compliance Program, ensuring that it meets all regulatory standards and best practices.

  • Detailed Annual Reports: We prepare and submit detailed Annual Reports to the Fund’s Board, providing insights and recommendations for continual improvement.

Meeting Room

Board Meetings and Reporting

  • Active Participation in Meetings: Your new CCO attends all Board meetings, whether in-person or telephonically, to ensure direct communication and responsiveness.

  • Executive Session Compliance: We adhere to Rule 38a-1 by meeting in executive session as required, maintaining the highest standards of governance and oversight.

  • Responsive Reporting: We are committed to reporting to the Fund Board as requested and are prepared to undertake additional duties or responsibilities as may be assigned by the Board.

Modern Office Building

Request a Consultation

Schedule a personalized consultation with one of our Chief Compliance Officers today. Gain tailored advice to navigate your investment company's unique compliance challenges. 

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